Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rewards-- 20 FREE Pampers Gifts To Grow Points


Rewards-- 20 FREE Pampers Gifts To Grow Points 

Enter code: 
FBHAP99MD11V014 for 10 points (5/11 added)
Also click this link then click the I read it button at the bottom to get 10 more points. 

Enter code: FBJMAY8973TR01 for 10 points (5/9 added; exp 5/12)

Enter code: FBJMAY8973TR014 for 10 points (5/9 added)
Enter code: 99832MT8MFDEY14 for 25 points (5/9 added) 

Here's another 20 points if you have missed! 

Also enter codes (Not sure if it's still valid. Let me know! ) 
FB87RING9873401 for 10 points (5/1 added) 
TWIT89CNEMAY014 for 5 points (5/1 added)

FBMAYDAY789CK14 for 10 points  (5/1 added) 
TWITNWRK893E014 for 5 points (4/7 added) 
REGBRU5E4CPA79D for 10 points (4/5 added)

These might still be available if you are new: 

  • WELCOMEGTGPTS10 (10 points) 
  • JOINNOW4REWARDS (50 points)