Wednesday, June 19, 2013

FREE-- ACE Elastic Bandage- first 10,000

FREE-- ACE Elastic Bandage- first 10,000

-- You will need to share a story about yourself or an “everyday champion” you know
-- You will also be entered for your chance to win a $2,500 VISA® gift card.


  1. My son-in-law Dave Stevens had smoked cigarettes for many years before he married my daughter. He indicated that cigarettes defined His life. He knew that he had to quit smoking. But this was very difficult for him because all of his friends and family smoked and everything seemed to be centered around cigarettes. He had reached the point that he was “scared” to quit smoking.
    Realizing that he had to be a champion for himself, he decided to quit smoking. He worked on this endeavor and now he has been smoke free for several years. Champions do not have to be well known people that we read about. Champions are people that we see every day.

    1. Sandy, be sure you click the link above and post your store there. You won't get your bandage if you just post here. ^_^
