Monday, October 29, 2012

FREE-- Red Bull 4-pack from Klout (score of 50)

FREE-- Red Bull 4-pack from Klout 

-- Musty be have a score of 50+

Here's how:
1. First, log into your Klout account
2. If you have a score of 50+, continue to step 3
3. In Klout, scroll down to YOUR INFLUENTIAL TOPICs and click "SEE MORE"
4. click ADD A TOPIC
5. click the word BUSINESS from suggested topics
6. click ADD
7. sign out of Klout
8. sign back into Klout
9. now on very TOP of page the PRESENT (gift) should be orange, click it and claim your free gift! (As shown below)

1 comment:

  1. Need to do this with all the perks, if possible that is :)
